“我不敢相信我们有人体(尸体)来学习. 我学到的不止 I can imagine. It was like tasting the appetizer to a full-course meal that I want 19岁的奥斯汀·霍尔说. 霍尔一心想成为一名外科医生.

“There’s a calling on my life to help people in some way,” said Hall. 在完成 A&P(解剖学和生理学 Dr. 凯文·沃克博士.博士,og体育生物学讲师, Hall has set his sights on neurology and cardiology as areas of surgical interest.

沃克"非常有条理,他制造了A&P真的很令人兴奋,因为他把事情联系起来了 life. 他是一位非常有深度的教授,这堂课让我大吃一惊!霍尔说 plans to complete his Associates of Science at Trinidad State and move on to a four-year 上了大学,然后去了医学院. 最初,沃克想追随父亲的脚步 footsteps and become a general surgeon and physician, until he had the opportunity 对森林狼进行研究. 多年来,他被狼迷住了,他喜欢生活 outside doing his research and he loved his teaching assistant position in his college 生物和化学课. 那时他就知道自己注定要成为一名研究人员 a teacher, and the study of biology would win his heart - specifically macroecology which deals with the study of relationships between organisms and their environment.

og体育的人类尸体图片Learning how all the systems work together is knowledge he has taken into his cadaver labs. His biology and anatomy/physiology students have dissected individual organs from pigs, such as a heart “but working with that 特定的器官 doesn’t do justice to what the heart does in relation to the vascular system,” said Walker.

Reagen Rico (32), who was raised in Trinidad, started college at Trinidad State right 高中毕业后. “我当时脑子不太清醒,”她说. “我没有集中注意力, 我做得不好. 我辍学去做全职工作.” She had taken a number of nursing prerequisites before she quit and had earned a Certified Nurse Assistant certificate, but she said, “If you don’t have a good degree, work 会很难. 我从经验中知道,cna工作非常努力. 我有两个孩子 children (2 and 7) and I want a stable job that pays well to support myself and my children.里科计划在2023年毕业并成为一名注册护士. Although she’s not sure yet which area of interest she will pursue, she loves babies and kids 并倾向于产科.

“我是一个动手的学习者,我喜欢去感受和观察. 我喜欢处理尸体 and going from the surface and working through the layers and seeing muscles and bones. That’s what it looks like in the book, and this is what it looks like in real life,” she said. “我觉得这真的很吸引人. 这是一次很好的学习经历. 我了解了整个系统是如何工作的.她说,这是她最喜欢的动物解剖之一 是猪的子宫,里面有猪的胎儿吗.

og体育的人类尸体图片“After dissecting cats in high school,” said 17-year-old Hoehne high school student, 玛拉·萨尔巴托说:“从动物变成人类真的很奇怪.她解释道 how the process is done very slowly, layer by layer and it’s more about scraping than cutting. Salbato最近完成了A&p201说这门课增强了她的兴趣 在医学研究和病理学方面. “教练很有帮助,很容易接近 而且总是愿意回答问题. 这门课我最喜欢的部分是实验室 - using the microscopes and dissecting -and seeing real life application of the things 我们读到. 我真的很喜欢.”

At least five other Colorado community colleges are using real human cadavers to teach human anatomy. At one college, students are transported to a local hospital where 他们观察这个过程. 在另一个地方,尸体已经被解剖过了. One of the colleges uses an anatomage virtual dissection table where life-sized human 动物的身体可以通过电子方式进行研究. 在另外两所大学,学生不能 解剖直到他们通过了前两门生物课程(201) & 202),并正在接受 Biology 203. At Trinidad State students can begin dissecting in their first semester of biology or A&P.

对沃克来说,建立尸体实验室非常耗时. 渡过难关 tape and locating a source from which to secure cadavers took time, but once approval was received, Walker set up his lab and purchased two cadavers from a Colorado source. Most often donors who give their bodies to science for research range from age 70 到90岁. 学生们开始解剖的女尸体是100岁 time of death. 学生们一直在锻炼她的肌肉系统. One assignment for Austin Hall was to cut into her hamstring and separate the skin from fat. “We separated muscles from blood vessels and learned how they are interrelated and why. 我们学了整个人体解剖学. 这绝对是我最喜欢的课程。” said Hall.

The male, who died around age 84, was overweight and students had to remove about 55 pounds of abdominal fat in two separate attempts to access his organs. They opened his chest cavity to study the digestive, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. “You can feel the blockage in his heart plumbing,” said Walker, “and his spleen is shriveled up.”

这个班一直在研究他的内脏器官. 他的肌肉组织在一侧 his body was much smaller than the other suggesting the cause of death may have been a stroke. His lungs have a black substance leading the students to believe he either 在矿井里抽烟或工作. 学生们还在器官中发现了脂肪沉积 as cancer that was growing between his heart and lungs and his heart was “humongous” 霍尔说,几乎是沃克所说的正常大小的两倍. 学生们正在看 脂肪是如何在器官和腹部堆积的. “它会改变你对体重的看法 管理,”沃克说.

“学生不需要解剖,”沃克说. 尽管有些学生选择 not to, all the students are involved in the work even if as spectators only. Some students take biology as an elective, like student athletes, but the nursing students 都需要修生物和A&P. 沃克看不出学生们 skill sets regardless of the reason they are taking one of his science classes. Before any dissecting is done, students must sign a strict contract detailing the dos and 切忌解剖. 然后将尸体介绍给学生,以确定学生的舒适度 level. “The athletic students are curious and have taken great interest in the cadavers,” said Walker. “They are incredibly careful with the cadavers and sometimes outperform the A&P students.”

尸体被装在运尸袋里. 他们的头,脚和手 are individually covered as well as their genital areas making the dissecting a little 不那么具有威胁性,尤其是对高中生来说.

Not once has Walker heard a student be derogatory or joke about the cadavers or a 特定的器官. 他们恭敬、兴奋,工作一丝不苟. They take pride in their work and almost all students choose to work as teams.

尸体经过防腐处理,不需要冷藏. 一旦它们被解剖, they will be used for observational and physiological analysis in future semesters.

Born and raised in east Texas but always drawn to Colorado, Walker says, “Trinidad 有这么丰富的历史. 这正是我一直在寻找的东西. 从我还是个 孩子,我爱过科罗拉多. 我爱这里(特立尼达). 我爱这所学校. I like 与学生和教职员工一起工作. 这是一个完整的包. It’s 以家庭为导向的学校. 我很高兴我做出了这个选择.”

Austin Hall likens Trinidad State to a “bonfire in a fireplace – a lot of interesting 在一个小学校里。”他说.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 kevin.walker@ospifse.net.