With ideal geography as the backdrop, TSC launched an exciting new outdoor education 程序 focusing on the skills required in trail making, maintenance, and the sustainable 发展远足径作康乐用途. 很少有项目关注可持续发展 在步道养护和远足步道建设方面,TSC是独一无二的 有资格填补空缺.  

As Colorado’s first community college, Trinidad State has led the way in innovative 针对职场所需技能的课程. 这个新节目紧随其后 这一传统. 根据TSJC特别项目协调员Keith吉普森的说法, “人们对世界各地各种各样的小径都有极大的兴趣,”等等 因此,对知识渊博的专业人士有强烈的需求 建筑行业.

Ecological responsibility and sustainable development are critical components in trail 以及学生在学习建造和维护科罗拉多的过程中获得的技能 trails is an advantage they can take wherever they go in their recreation and trail 建筑职业. 吉普森预计这个新的户外教育项目不会 不仅使特立尼达当地社区受益,而且还将允许学生 opportunity to improve local parks and enhance the sustainability, desirability, and economic health of the region, “all while gaining necessary skills for the exploding 娱乐和小径制作工业.”

All outdoor enthusiasts love trails — whether they are for biking, hiking, or horseback 骑马——但他们并不总是意识到如何打造一条功能齐全的步道 这是可持续的和环保的. 它始于大量的计划,因为 这涉及到很多因素.

环境的可持续性必须始终是步道设计的首要考虑因素 designers have to be cognizant of the impact of the trail and its users on the surrounding 环境,包括流域、野生动物、湿地和草原所需要的 被保护. “步道设计师需要阻止他们的用户走捷径. 如果步道不方便,无法到达感兴趣的地方,徒步旅行者可能会避开 完全破坏了小路,最终破坏了小路以外的地形,”吉普森说. 保持 hikers on trails and “planning for factors like water flow, erosion, wind, and wildlife” 经过验证的现代可持续实践是步道建设者工作不可或缺的一部分.

同时,徒步旅行路线必须具有娱乐性、功能性和实用性 美观和可访问性必须始终是一个重要的考虑因素. 此外, trail builders need to have the technical skills to use the heavy equipment and tools inherent in the trade while understanding Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and 学习许多土地测量师的工作技能. 这是一项复杂的技能, 这就是TSC项目的由来.

TSC’s 程序 provides a unique opportunity for students to gain the skills and experience necessary to design, plan, and implement effective trails and develop environmentally 可持续维护计划. 这些技能的职业应用是不可或缺的 程序, and internships and help with professional placement will be important components 程序的. 在课程结束时,学生们会写一份经验简历 working with industry professionals on public lands — and make valuable professional 私营部门的联系.

课程计划于2021年春季学期开始. 一开始,会有 有四门强化课程,每门课程都在周一到周五的白天进行 周. 每门课程有两个学分. “第一批课程将在 og体育首存活动使理想的天气条件存在,适合户外实地体验 and to allow professional trail builders to teach classes without missing their prime ”吉普森说. 这些将是面对面的课程,第一个 introductory course taking place primarily in the classroom and the other three going 在野外.

After an introductory course in trail management, subsequent courses will cover project leadership, crew leadership, management courses, construction courses, design, trail 维护和环境可持续性. 学生将分析和计划 development of a sustainable Colorado trail that works with the natural terrain and 特定地点的独特生态需求,然后实施该计划 技术培训,包括基础设施的应用方面.

此外,吉普森说:“学生们将获得测量坡度、水等技能 利用GPS来保护财产权,”以及自然地形. 学生们还可以进入当地的州立公园,那里有现成的小径 examples and will have the opportunity to improve existing trails and overcome problem 给他们宝贵的经验,他们可以应用到未来的工作中 这个领域.

因为这是一个职业和技术项目,学生将获得很多 有现场工作经验. 这些课程也可以与其他课程相结合 算作副学士学位. “TSC目前有一名应用科学副学士 这四门课程将为获得这个学位而努力 “如果学生决定走这条路,我们会给他们提供一个项目,”吉普森说.

TSC also has a variety of related 程序s that could work in conjunction with trail 制作重型设备操作及施工方案等课程. 最终, many of these heavy equipment operation classes will be built into the trail building 程序.

Trinidad State hopes to expand on these courses in the near future, developing them into three different certificate levels; the ultimate goal will be to implement a top-rate trail management and construction associate of applied science degree 程序 accredited and approved by the Higher Learning Commission and the Department of Education, 但这是更长远的观点.

根据吉普森的说法,“因为人们对修建小径有着巨大的兴趣 世界上,这个程序是打算成为一个终端程序.“学生们会离开 该项目具备所需的专业知识,“随时准备加入私人或公共trail。 作为建筑公司的专业步道建设者.”

The trail building 程序 at TSC is partnering with the Professional Trail Builders Association (PTBA), an organization dedicated to excellence in private trail building. PTBA坚持严格的规范和标准,在专业和卓越 has a long-standing reputation both privately and through government contracts, representing 至少有100个私人建筑商. 吉普森补充说,TSC正在建立这种户外教育 程序 “in conjunction with Tony Boone of Tony Boone Trails and with the Professional 为这一系列课程开发课程。” along with some other well-known sponsors such as Timberline Trailcraft and Backshop 自行车供应.

Boone是一位备受尊敬的有几十年经验的道路建设领导者 not only be creating curriculum, but will be among the professional instructors for 这个程序. TSC计划组建一个由导师和顾问组成的强大团队 从领先的专业人士的成员在试验建设领域,谁将提供一个 学生将从中汲取知识的源泉.

因为这些课程分两周进行,每周上一节课,所以学生们会 able to take the minimum time away from their lives and jobs to visit TSC and complete 这些课程时间效率高. 吉普森希望这些课程非常 之所以受欢迎,是因为“步道建设”领域在世界范围内蓬勃发展.”

Trail making and maintenance as a career is taking off more than ever as environmentally sound practices and sustainable development come to the forefront in light of ecological 还有气候问题,但这只是这个职业吸引力的一部分. 对于那些 who love the outdoors, having the grandeur of some of the most beautiful natural landscapes 因为他们的工作环境排名非常高——努力创造一些东西也是如此 持久,同时确保许多小径的可持续性和生态友好性 子孙后代.

National and state parks, the forestry service, private landowners, and nature conservancies have expressed a strong need for experienced and well-trained trail builders specializing in planning and design, sustainable development and maintenance, and reclamation all 世界各地. 吉普森表示,潜在雇主“很多” trail building companies around the world and in the United States who contract with 各种不同的机构来修建步道,有公共的,也有私人的.吉普森说 其中一些雇主包括“美国航空公司”.S. 陆军工兵部队或林务局, the state divisions of parks and wildlife, or a local municipality,” all organizations 负责创建新的步道和维护现有的步道和自然区域.

根据美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(BLS)的数据显示,几乎一半的工作是必需的 2016年户外工作. 在TSC户外教育项目中获得的技术能力 can easily transfer to all kinds of high-paying construction, recreation, and outdoor 管理职位. 私人和公司的土地所有者也需要修建小径. 这些承包商和户外娱乐公司需要有专业知识的人 在制造和环境可持续发展实践的知识. 学生 选择参加TSC的道路维护和建设课程将会有 他们可以在各种工作场所选择中使用的技能.

og体育的学生无疑享受着完美的户外环境 当涉及到他们的试车研究时.

The Scenic Highway of Legends begins near Trinidad and takes travelers through miles 历史和风景,如圣克里斯多斯和西班牙山峰. 学生 参加户外教育项目的学生可以进入特立尼达湖州立公园 水坝水库,现有的徒步旅行路线和历史悠久的采矿遗址. 以其 dinosaur tracks, Comanche National Grasslands is only 40 miles northeast of Trinidad and a place where students may be able to exercise their new knowledge of sustainability 并获得与不同生态系统合作的经验. 著名的圣达菲小道 穿过科罗拉多的草原,这里的可持续发展已经开始了 对它的寿命至关重要.

Gipson points out that just north of TSC sits Fisher’s Peak, Colorado’s newest state 公园拥有超过4000英亩的森林、玄武岩山峰和平原. “这个新公园会 need new hiking trails, biking trails, and possibly equestrian trails” before opening 完全向公众开放. 吉普森很高兴TSJC能与大自然保护协会合作, Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife, Great Outdoors Colorado, as well as the city of Trinidad and other stakeholders to plan, design, and maintain some brand new trails 同时为TSC的小径建筑学生提供宝贵的经验.

If you’re ready to join the rewarding career field of trail building and sustainability 或者想了解更多og体育提供的课程, 请访问我们网站上的项目页面.